Businessman. Outsider. Job Creator.
John Rust is a hardworking American
farmer — not a politician.
He was born and raised in southern Indiana. A brother to six siblings, John was raised by his parents to understand that nothing would be handed to him. If John wanted to find success, he was going to have to work for it.
It was those values that inspired John to be the leader he is today.
As Chairman of Rose Acre Farms, John oversaw the employment of thousands of Hoosiers.
Rose Acres began in the 1930’s as a small family operation with 1,000 hens but thanks to the work of John and his family and thousands of Hoosiers, it is now the second-largest egg producer in the United States.
Having overseen the management of fifteen facilities in seven states, John understands what it means to make tough decisions and find solutions to our biggest problems.
As our Senator, John will prioritize Indiana families and put our needs above partisan politics.